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A set of operations for creating and managing environment resources.

Endpoint NameURLDescription
List environmentsGET /core/environmentsReturns a list of your existing environments.
Create environment /core/environmentsCreates an environment.
Update environmentPUT /core/environments/{id}Modifies the name of an existing environment.
Retrieve environment detailsGET /core/environments/{id}Retrieves the details of a specified environment.
Delete environmentDELETE /core/environments/{id}Deletes an environment.

The environments object

Environment endpoints return the environments object, offering comprehensive details about your environments. This includes the environment's name, creation timestamp, region, and ID.

Attributes of the Environment object

status boolean

Indicates the success or failure of the operation. In this case, it is set to true, indicating that the operation has been successful.

message string

A message confirming the status of the operation.

environment object

An object containing details about the environment.

Show child attributes
id integer

Unique identifier for the environment.

name string

Name of the environment.

region string

Name of the region associated with the environment.

created_at date-time

Date and time when the environment was created, presented in ISO 8601 format.

"status": true,
"message": "Environment is created successfully",
"environment": {
"id": 2,
"name": "development",
"region": "NORWAY-1",
"created_at": "2023-04-19T05:09:16"

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