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A set of operations for creating and managing volume resources.

Core volume operations

Endpoint NameURLDescription
List volume typesGET /core/volume-typesReturns a list of available volume types.
List volumesGET /core/volumesReturns a list of your existing volumes.
Create volume /core/volumesCreates a volume.
Delete volumeDELETE /core/volumes/{id}Deletes a volume.

Volume attachment

Endpoint NameURLDescription
Attach volumes to virtual machine /core/virtual-machines/{virtual_machine_id}/attach-volumesAttaches one or more volumes to a virtual machine.
Detach volumes from virtual machine /core/virtual-machines/{virtual_machine_id}/detach-volumesRemoves one or more volumes from a virtual machine.

Volume Callbacks

Endpoint NameURLDescription
Attach callback to volume /core/volumes/{id}/attach-callbackCreates a callback URL for a specified volume.
Update volume callbackPUT /core/volumes/{id}/update-callbackUpdates the callback URL for a specified volume.
Delete volume callbackDELETE /core/volumes/{id}/delete-callbackDeletes a callback URL attached to a volume.

The volume object

The volume endpoints return volume objects, offering comprehensive details about your volumes. This includes the ID, name, environment, and configuration information of your volumes.


id integer

The ID of the volume.

name string

Name of the volume.

environment object

An object containing details about the environment associated with the volume.

Show child attributes
name string

Name of the environment.

description string

Description of the volume.

volume_type string

Type of the volume, e.g., "Ceph-SSD."

size integer

Size of the volume in GB.

status string

Status of the volume.

bootable boolean

Specifies whether the volume is bootable or not, true indicates the volume has an operating system installed.

image_id integer

Identifier for the operating system image associated with the volume.

callback_url string

URL for callback related to the volume.

created_at date-time

Date and time when the volume was created, presented in ISO 8601 format.

updated_at date-time

Date and time when the volume was last updated. The default value is null if the volume has never been updated.

"volume": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"environment": {
"name": "string"
"description": "string",
"volume_type": "string",
"size": "string",
"status": "string",
"bootable": false,
"image_id": 0,
"callback_url": "string",
"created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"updated_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"

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