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Create Kubernetes Cluster Nodes{id}/nodes

Creates one or more nodes and adds them to an existing Kubernetes cluster. Specify the Kubernetes cluster ID in the path and include the node count and role in the request body. Currently, only worker nodes can be added dynamically to a cluster.

Body parameters

role string   Required

The type of node being added to the Kubernetes cluster. Currently, only worker nodes can be added dynamically using the worker role. To learn more about Hyperstack node roles, click here.

Possible values:
  • worker – Nodes for processing workloads.
  • master – Manages cluster state, scheduling, and workloads.
  • bastion – Provides a secure SSH gateway for cluster access.
  • load-balancer – Distributes traffic across worker nodes for high availability.

count integer   Required

The number of nodes to be added to the Kubernetes cluster. Must be between 1 and 20.


status boolean

Indicates the result of the request to create a node. true signifies success, while false indicates an error.

message string

A description of the status of the request.

Example request
curl -X POST "{id}/nodes" \
-H "accept: application/json"\
-H "api_key: YOUR API KEY"\
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-d '{
"role": "worker",
"count": 1
  • To authenticate Infrahub API requests, add an api_key header to your API request that contains an API Key.
"status": true,
"message": "string"


Returns the status of node deployment

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