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Provisioning Profiles

A set of operations for creating and managing virtual machine profiles.

Endpoint NameURLDescription
Create profile /core/profilesCreates a provisioning profile for a VM.
List profilesGET /core/profilesReturns a list of your existing provisioning profiles.
Retrieve profile detailsGET /core/profiles/{id}Retrieves the details of a provisioning profile.
Delete profileDELETE /core/profiles/{id}Deletes a provisioning profile.

The profile object

Profiles endpoints return the profile object(s), offering comprehensive details about your provisioning profiles. This includes the profile ID, name, description, creation timestamp, and the data object containing the configuration details of the VM being saved.

Attributes of the Profile Object

id integer

The unique identifier for the profile.

name string

The name of the profile.

description string

A description of the profile.

data object

An object containing virtual machine configuration data for the profile.

Show child attributes
environment_name string

The name of the environment associated with the virtual machine.

image_name string

The name of the image used for the virtual machine.

volume_name string

The name of the volume associated with the virtual machine.

create_bootable_volume boolean

Indicates whether a bootable volume should be created.

flavor_name string

The name of the flavor (hardware configuration) for the virtual machine.

key_name string

The name of the SSH key pair associated with the virtual machine.

user_data string

Optional cloud-init configuration for the virtual machine in the form of user data.

callback_url string

The callback URL associated with the virtual machine.

assign_floating_ip boolean

Indicates whether a public IP address should be assigned.

count integer

The number of virtual machines to be created.

created_at date-time

The timestamp when the profile was created.

"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"data": "{\"environment_name\": \"Test-env\", \"image_name\": \"CentOS 9\", \"volume_name\": \"\", \"create_bootable_volume\": \"false\", \"flavor_name\": \"n1-cpu-medium\", \"key_name\": \"key pair -1\", \"user_data\": \"\", \"callback_url\": \"\", \"assign_floating_ip\": \"false\", \"count\": \"1\"}",
"created_at": "2024-01-22T14:59:41.309Z"

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