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Retrieve Payment History


Retrieves a list of all payments made within your organization and their details, including the amount, payment status, and more.


No parameters.


message string

A message describing the status of the request to retrieve a history of payments.

status boolean

Indicates the status of the request to retrieve your payments history, where true indicates success, while false indicates error.

data array of objects

An array of objects each containing details about a payment.

Show child attributes

amount number

The amount of the payment in dollars.

currency string

The currency of the payment.

The source of the payment.

status string

The status of the payment. payment_initiated indicates that a payment has been made successfully.

gateway_response string

The response from the payment gateway.

description string

A description of the payment.

transaction_id string

The transaction ID associated with the payment.

payment_id string

The unique identifier for the payment.

updated_at date-time

The timestamp when the payment information was last updated.

Example request
curl -X GET "" \
-H "accept: application/json"\
-H "api_key: YOUR API KEY"
"message": "Getting payment info successful",
"status": true,
"data": [
"amount": 10.0,
"currency": null,
"paid_from": null,
"status": "payment_initiated",
"gateway_response": null,
"description": null,
"transaction_id": null,
"payment_id": "9cc729de-31f3-4ce2-aee5-95b391d63aa4",
"updated_at": "2023-08-31T04:40:40"


The response indicates the status of the request to retrieve a history of payments for your organization, where true indicates success, and false indicates error. The array of data objects returned by this API includes the details of each payment, including the amount in dollars, the status of the payment, the timestamp when the payment status was last updated, and more.

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