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Hyperstack Account Activation

Before making your first credit purchase in Hyperstack or through the Infrahub API, you will first need to activate your account by providing the necessary billing information.

Before getting started

  1. Register for a Hyperstack account at:

  2. Sign in to your Hyperstack account using your login credentials.

Billing information

The final step of the Account Activation process will present you with the "Billing Information" form. This form collects billing details for the account holder and, if applicable, the associated company. The provided details will be securely stored for future payments.

Please note that Resource costs and billing are associated with the account of the organization. Therefore, resources created by all users within your organization will be billed to your organization's account.

Follow these steps to complete the "Billing Information" form:

Select your account type based on your needs:

  • Individual - An account designed for personal use.
  • Business - An account established on behalf of your company.

To complete the "Billing Information" form for an individual account, please provide the following details.

Required fields:

NameYour name.
EmailYour Email.
Zip codeZip code of your location.
CountryCountry of your billing address.
To see optional fields, click here.

Optional fields:

Billing address 1Your primary billing address.
Billing address 2Additional line for the billing address, if needed.
State/provenanceState or provenance of your location.

Once you've completed the necessary fields in the "Billing Information" form, click "Continue" to submit the form.

Your account is now activated, and you can begin resource creation.

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