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Retrieve Pricebook


Retrieves the Infrahub Pricebook, detailing hourly running costs for all resources offered by Infrahub. For more information on Pricebook, click here.


No parameters.

Attributes of the Pricebook object

id integer

Unique identifier for the resource.

name string

Name or model of the resource.

value number

Price value for the GPU per hour.

original_value number

Original price value for the resource per hour before any discounts.

discount_applied boolean

Indicates whether a discount has been applied to the resource price, e.g., false indicating no discount applied.

start_time date-time

Start time for the pricing. The default value is null when there is no specified start time.

end_time date-time

The end time for the pricing. The default value is null when there is no specified end time.

Example request
curl -X GET "" \
-H "accept: application/json"\
-H "api_key: YOUR API KEY"
"id": 10,
"name": "RTX-A4000",
"value": 0.58,
"original_value": 0.58,
"discount_applied": false,
"start_time": null,
"end_time": null


Returns an array of pricebook objects, each containing details on the hourly costs for each resource offered by Infrahub.

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