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Retrieve Billing Rate for Resource


Retrieve a detailed breakdown of hourly billing costs for a specific resource by including the resource type and ID in the path. Resource types include instance (virtual machine), volume, container, or cluster. The billing cost information returned by this API includes the status of the resource, the total hourly price for the resource, and the pricing for each component before and after any discounts are applied.

Path parameters

resource_type string   Required

The type of resource for which to retrieve billing rate. Which can be one of the following: instance (virtual machine), volume, container, or cluster.

resource_id integer   Required

The unique identifier of the resource for which to retrieve billing rates.


status boolean

Indicates the success status of the API response.

message string

A message describing the result of the API request.

calculated_resource_bills object

Contains detailed billing information for a specified resource.

Click here to see child attributes
org_id integer

The ID of the organization associated with the resource.

resource object

Contains details about the resource and its billing rate calculations.

Click here to see child attributes
type string

The type of the resource, which can be one of the following: vm (virtual machine), volume, container, or cluster.

name string

The name of the resource.

infrahub_id integer

A unique identifier for the resource within the Infrahub API.

status string

The current status of the resource (e.g., "ACTIVE").

host string

The host where the resource is run.

price float

The listed price per hour for using the resource.

actual_price float

The actual price per hour after applying any discounts or adjustments.

resources array

A list of resource components associated with the main resource, detailing individual billing rates.

Click here to see child attributes
type string

The type of the sub-resource (e.g., "gpu, ram, publicip").

name string

The name of the resource component.

amount integer

The quantity of the resource component being billed.

rate float

The standard billing rate per hour for a single resource component e.g. 1 GPU.

discounted_rate float

The billing rate per hour after applying discounts.

price float

The total hourly price for the component resource, calculated by multiplying the number of components by the standard rate.

actual_price float

The total hourly price for the resource components after discounts.

Example request
curl -X GET "{resource_type}/{resource_id}" \
-H "accept: application/json"\
-H "api_key: YOUR API KEY"
"status": true,
"message": "Getting resource bill success",
"calculated_resource_bills": {
"org_id": 3961,
"resource": {
"type": "vm",
"name": "example-vm",
"infrahub_id": 57692,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"host": "nga6-141",
"price": 1.2,
"actual_price": 1.2,
"resources": [
"type": "gpu",
"name": "RTX-A4000",
"amount": 4,
"rate": 0.3,
"discounted_rate": 0.3,
"price": 1.2,
"actual_price": 1.2


The billing cost information returned by this API includes the status of the resource, the total hourly price for the resource, and the pricing for each component before and after any discounts are applied. See attributes for more details.

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