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Provisioning Profiles

The Provisioning Profiles feature in Hyperstack offers a practical solution for saving your virtual machine configurations for future use. It enables you to store configuration settings such as flavors, environments, user data, and other customization options. By using these saved profiles, you can easily recreate VMs with the same settings, streamlining the deployment process and reducing the likelihood of errors. This feature enhances efficiency and consistency in VM deployment, eliminating the need to manually configure each new VM from scratch.

In this article:

Create a Provisioning Profile

Save the configuration of your VM during deployment, so the same settings can be applied to a future deployment. Follow the steps below to create a provisioning profile:

  1. Navigate to the 'Virtual Machines' section in Hyperstack, and click 'Deploy New Virtual Machine'.

  2. At the bottom of the VM deployment page, click Configure Additional Settings.

  3. Under the Provisioning profile section, toggle the Create and save a new profile.

Load a Provisioning Profile

Load a previously saved VM configuration to streamline the deployment process. Follow the steps below to load a provisioning profile:

  1. Navigate to the 'Virtual Machines' section in Hyperstack, and click 'Deploy New Virtual Machine'.

  2. In the top right corner of the VM deployment page, click Load a provisioning profile.

  3. In the popup window select the desired profile and click Load profile to apply the previously saved settings.

  4. Click Deploy to create a virtual machine with the same configuration as the saved profile.

Provisioning Profile APIs

Endpoint NameURLDescription
Create profile /core/profilesCreates a provisioning profile for a VM.
List profilesGET /core/profilesReturns a list of your existing provisioning profiles.
Retrieve profile detailsGET /core/profiles/{id}Retrieves the details of a provisioning profile.
Delete profileDELETE /core/profiles/{id}Deletes a provisioning profile.

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