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Performance Metrics and Events Log

The Performance Metrics and Events Log features in Hyperstack provide comprehensive insights into the performance and operational activities of your virtual machines (VMs). These tools help users monitor and analyze hardware performance, data transfer rates, and event logs to ensure optimal VM performance and security.

In this article:

Performance Metrics

The VM Performance Metrics page provides detailed information about hardware performance and data transfer rates over selected time periods. You can view performance metrics for 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 12h, 1d, 3d, 7d, 15d, and 30d intervals.

Performance Metrics provided:

  • CPU %: Indicates the percentage of virtual CPU resources being used by the VM.
  • Memory %: Shows the percentage of allocated memory being used by the VM.
  • Disk I/O: Measures the speed and amount of data (in GB) being read from and written to the VM's storage.
  • Network I/O: Measures the amount of data (in GB) being sent and received over the network by the VM.

Steps to access Performance Metrics:

  1. In Hyperstack, navigate to the Virtual Machines page to access your VMs. Click on the name of the VM you wish to view performance metrics for.
  2. In the VM details menu, select Performance Metrics.

To monitor the performance of your VM's GPUs, use the nvidia-smi command. To learn more, click here.

Events Log

The VM Events Log page provides a detailed log of all events and actions that have occurred on your virtual machine. This log includes information about changes in firewall rules, reboots, and other significant actions, along with timestamps and user details.

Event details provided:

  • Timestamp: The exact date and time when the event occurred.
  • User: The username of the person who performed the action responsible for the event.
  • Type: The classification of the event, indicating its nature (e.g., normal or error).
  • Reason: A brief description of why the event was triggered.
  • Object: The specific VM or resource affected by the event.
  • Message: Additional information about the event.

Steps to access Events Log:

  1. In Hyperstack, navigate to the Virtual Machines page to access your VMs. Click on the name of the VM you wish to view event history for.
  2. In the VM details menu, select Events Log.

Performance Metrics and Events History APIs

APIs for retrieving virtual machine metrics data and the history of events executed on a VM..

Endpoint NameURLDescription
Retrieve virtual machine performance metricsGET /core/virtual-machines/{id}/metricsRetrieves performance metrics data for a virtual machine.
Retrieve virtual machine events historyGET /core/virtual-machines/{id}/eventsRetrieves history of events for a virtual machine.

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